MLT Merge Software
MLT Merge Software
Merges downhole data with depth to create a .LAS file.
The DataCan Memory Logging Software merges downhole data with depth to create individual passes. The depth passes are loaded into Premier Logger to compile a complete report including depth correction, overlays, mark up, and shading traces

- Plot data versus measured depth or true vertical depth (TVD)
- Use reference passes and depth markers to assist with depth control
- Export/Import data to various file types including LAS, and TXT files
- Easily merge separate logging passes or LAS data into one complete
- Ability to markup log passes
- Log Track presentation is customizable
- Simple and accurate real-time depth adjustment
- Put logs on depth by stretch correcting passes separately
- Generate PDF and TIF file through Log Composer
- Shade data traces from/to a particular position in the track
- Drag and drop for ease of use
- Use with other Premier Software features to create reports, including Cement Bond Log, Noise Temp Log, and Perforating Record